You wedding design can involve a lot of different elements that creates an overall look. Often than not, there are two aspects that comes to play: your wedding outfit and your wedding theme. Your wedding day is a collaboration of many creatives involved and although most couples often choose their outfits separately and hope that what they choose works well with the rest of the elements, we believe that considering both your outfit and decor together will not only enhance but also create a cohesive purposely designed look.

Most couples often don’t realise that their choice of wedding outfit is the most personal aspect of their wedding design and this can have a significant influence on their wedding theme. What you wear can set the tone for the entire wedding and can help establish the style, colour scheme, and overall atmosphere of the celebration. This is why we always asks our couples about what they’re wearing on the day.


Last month, we caught up with our good friend Anastasia from Carte Blanche Bride about all things wedding dress shopping and how fashion has a strong impact on styling your wedding day.

““We are so lucky to have almost endless options when it comes to wedding looks at the moment. However in the last 7 years the feedback I get is that there’s almost too much to sort through, resulting in overwhelm and stress. To be searching for a look to make you feel both special and yourself in the sea of silk and tulle, it can become just too much.

Carte Blanche provides a serene experience, backed with 14 years of styling and couture experience, where you feel heard and empowered to figure out what you really want: to envision what your perfect wedding – and outfit – looks like before confusion sets in.”



Think of it as a movie. When you’ producing a movie, you take everything into consideration - the wardrobe, the set, the sound, the lights. It all marries up together creating a memorable experience. Your outfit helps amplify all the other elements on the day creating a coordinated visual effect.

We believe there are two ways to curate your wedding style.

We asked Anastasia from Carte Blanche Bride to weigh in on her thoughts on both ways.



It’s such a good question, which comes first? Becoming engaged is so exciting and makes a lot of people just want to jump straight in to wedding outfit shopping. I strongly advise all my clients to have ALL of the fundamentals confirmed before beginning their wedding outfit appointments.

1.     Select your wedding stylist! You will be drawn to certain creatives for a reason, this often starts to mould your wedding theme without any finer details in place. Your stylist will assist with those higher level questions like your overall style as a couple, what part of the event is important to you.

2.     Choose and confirm your wedding date and venue. When and where are you getting married? When buying an expensive/special item of clothing you would always consider the weather and reason for the purchase. The same goes for your wedding dress.

3.     Calibrate your style criteria: now you have the top 2 items booked and confirmed, take some time and get specific on details like…

a.      How do you actually want to FEEL on your wedding day. Cool, understated, elegant, timeless sexy, pretty, hot..

b.     What are the priorities for your wedding outfit? Comfort, style, wow-factor...everyone will have a different answer

c.     Is the dance floor a big deal for you? Your look needs to go from ceremony to party seamlessly.

4.     From all of these you can then hit Pinterest, Instagram, the internet to find the looks that tick all your boxes.

5.     Partnering and communicating with your wedding stylist at each stage can help bring the whole event together. Remember, they’ve done this many times before! A black tie wedding, where you want to feel elegant and timeless will be completely different to a black tie wedding, where you want to feel stylish and fashion forward.



Choosing your wedding look prior to having all of the above finalised can be a risk, unless fate has a hand and you absolutely have found the dream look that you know is impossible to live without. You can then work with your stylist and other creatives to build out the dream wedding theme starting with your outfit.

I personally found my wedding shoes 8 months before my wedding because I just knew. They are treasured part of my wardrobe and it didn’t hinder the rest of my wedding planning. Confidence is key here. No backing out!



It is definitely all about the details - making sure that all aspects work hand in hand harmoniously. Do not forget to speak to your wedding stylist/planner AND your wedding dress designer to understand what you’re working with. Do not be afraid to introduce them to each other. Each professional brings a different point of view to the table which would help you choose the best outfit/dress for your day. The latter would be able to assist you with what looks great with your body type and recommend dresses that would work best with your theme while your wedding planner would be able to advise you on how you’ll be moving on the day and make sure that your dress and your theme marries well together.

For more advice from Anastasia about bridal style and experience a serene stress-free dress shopping experience, you can book in an appointment here.

Do you want to know more about your wedding style?

Ruffles and Bells Team xx




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